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Vuelta a España 2014 | 11^ Tappa: Pamplona - Santuario de San Miguel de Aralar
Perché voi sapete sempre tutte le dichiarazioni e io che mi affido a google non so mai nulla ? :D
Anch'io quelle di JRO non le trovo Rolleyes
(04-09-2014, 08:12 AM)Danilo Ha scritto: Anch'io quelle di JRO non le trovo Rolleyes

"The final was long, hard and very fast. Maybe we expected it to be a bit harder, but I’m happy in the end. I stay in the running and took a time bonus. Especially good is that my good sensations are still there. When Aru attacked I tried to stay with him, but honestly he’s a very explosive rider. His attack was a bit too fast for me," said Joaquim Rodriguez.


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