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Doping, nuove accuse di M.Rasmussen a Riis e UCI
Ha parlato Freire riguardo la vicenda in questione:

Citazione:"I have demanded an apology, and to do so publicly," Freire told ciclismo.as.com. "He answered that he never expressly said my name." Freire said he'd take action against Rasmussen if the Dane does not clear his name.

"I do not understand," Freire told marca.com. "He can speak for himself or who he has seen taking substances but not the whole team, I cannot allow that."

Freire believed Rasmussen is motivated by financial gain regarding the publication of his book.

"Probably what Rasmussen wants to do is sell many books, but that cannot be," Freire told marca.com. "These things do much damage to cycling and all of those who have been a part of it."

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RE: Doping, nuove accuse di M.Rasmussen a Riis e UCI - da Luciano Pagliarini - 04-11-2013, 09:36 PM

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