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Tour of Italy 2022 - presentation of the stages
(09-11-2021, 12:25 PM)Lupo_solitario Ha scritto: Dovrebbero essere 7, 8, 10, 12, 14 e 19. Nel mezzo dunque Etna alla quarta, Blockhaus pare alla nona, Cogne alla 15, Mortirolo et altri alla 16, cose in Trentino alla 17 e gran finale sul Fedaia alla 20

Thanks my friend for the explanation. Cool
That's a really cool new way to presentate a GT, you should search for the location of the presented stage every time, that's really exciting and innovative. Cool

[+] A 2 utenti piace il post di Manuel The Volder

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RE: Tour of Italy 2022 - presentation of the stages - da Manuel The Volder - 09-11-2021, 12:59 PM

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