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9^ tappa: Arc et Senans - Besançon (Cronometro)
Questa mi era sfuggita...

Stortoni chased by police?

Simone Stortoni of the Lampre squad received lots of public attention on Monday's time trial, but it was not because of his fast speed. Unfortunately for him, the Italian did not have a team car to follow him on the 41.5km course to Besançon, nor a neutral mechanical assistance car.

At the start, it was thus quickly decided that a police car should follow him on the road in case he needed a new wheel. But the spectators alongside the parcours were quite surprised, and some even thought that Stortoni was being chased by police...


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RE: 9^ tappa: Arc et Senans - Besançon (Cronometro) - da BidoneJack - 11-07-2012, 05:21 AM

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