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Dwars door Vlaanderen / A travers la Flandre 2015
Citazione:Sport+ Direct (french)

Just talked to the IAM ds on the phone from his car. My French isn’t perfect and there was a lot of background noise but the just of the convo was he’ll be ok. Pretty banged up but ok.
by clarketheshark on Mar 25, 2015 | 2:58 PM

nuovo aggiornamento, Aregger in ospedale pare che sia cosciente

35" per Wallays sul gruppo, in mezzo Dockx, Kirsch, Brändle e Reguigui!

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RE: Dwars door Vlaanderen / A travers la Flandre 2015 - da BidoneJack - 25-03-2015, 04:01 PM

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