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Doping, nuove accuse di M.Rasmussen a Riis e UCI
Mah io che sono uno dei più grandi tifosi di Purito ho fatto tutto fuorché scrivere che gli aveva rubato il Giro...

Detto questo sono stato anche sostenitore di Hesjedal da diverso tempo ormai, già prima dell'Amstel '11 e dello stesso Tour, e l'ho sempre considerato pulito.

Certo il Giro '12 sorprende, la debacle di quest'anno pure, e ora ecco questa notizia, ma come ha detto qualcuno se pure in Garmin c'è il doping allora chiudiamo tutto...
Che notizia? :o

Cosa c'entra la Garmin? Dove hai sentito parlare di Garmin?

Le debacle di quest'anno sono tutte motivate, sta a voi informarvi e non credere alla stampa italiana...
Ha parlato Freire riguardo la vicenda in questione:

Citazione:"I have demanded an apology, and to do so publicly," Freire told ciclismo.as.com. "He answered that he never expressly said my name." Freire said he'd take action against Rasmussen if the Dane does not clear his name.

"I do not understand," Freire told marca.com. "He can speak for himself or who he has seen taking substances but not the whole team, I cannot allow that."

Freire believed Rasmussen is motivated by financial gain regarding the publication of his book.

"Probably what Rasmussen wants to do is sell many books, but that cannot be," Freire told marca.com. "These things do much damage to cycling and all of those who have been a part of it."
Sicuramente il fine di Rasmussen è vendere il maggior numero di copie del suo libro, in questo ha ragione Freire. Tra l'altro glielo stanno spoilerando tutto e difficilmente si trova qualcos'altro di interessante (che già definire questo interessante....)

Lo spagnolo non confessa, anche se è ormai chiaro che in quella Rabobank il doping non era casuale, ma studiato e che riguardava tutta la squadra. Può sempre essere che Oscarito non si dopasse, non lo escludo (era un tipo "particolare" anche negli allenamenti) però che non sapesse niente è molto difficile.
Rasmussen retracts doping allegations against Freire, Flecha

The fallout from Michael Rasmussen's tell all auto-biography and his subsequent media appointments continues with the Dane backtracking in his allegations against Oscar Freire and Juan-Antonia Flecha. Rasmussen originally implied that both of his former teammates had doped, but he carefully re-worded his statement after Freire threatened legal action.

"There was organized doping, but it did not include all the riders," he told EFE. "Not once in my life did I see Oscar Freire doping. Flecha as well, he also didn't know anything."

Rasmussen aired many of his assertions on Danish broadcaster DR on Sunday night, following this he participated in an online chat on dr.dk where one of the questions put to him related to the percentage of riders he thought to be doping during the 2007 Tour.

"Within the Rabobank team: 100% [used doping products]. Not everyone took the same products, but all riders were on some form of doping provided by the team. I would not want to guess at, the proportion of the total field that was doped," Rasmussen answered.

Such wording implied the entire Rabobank team of Dennis Menchov, Michael Boogerd, Bram de Groot, Thomas Dekker, Juan Antonio Flecha, Oscar Freire, Grischa Niermann and Pieter Weening had all used banned substances, although Rasmussen did not specify names or whether he had witnessed their supposed doping.

One of the riders cast under aspersion, Pieter Weening (Orica-GreenEdge), is yet to comment publicly regarding Rasmussen's allegations, although Orica-GreenEdge has released their own statement asking for Weening to confirm the anti-doping declaration he has already signed.

Rasmussen is frustrated, says Weening

Pieter Weening has reacted to the claims of his former teammate Michael Rasmussen by stating that the Dane is probably frustrated.”He lost the court case against Rabobank which probably made him very frustrated,” the Orica-Greenedge rider told De Telegraaf.

In a live web chat after an interview with Danish broadcaster DR, Michael Rasmussen claimed that 100% of the 2007 Rabobank Tour de France team was on doping. “Within the Rabobank team: 100% [used doping products]. Not everyone took the same products, but all riders were on some form of doping provided by the team,” he said.

The Danish rider later backtracked on his previous statement saying that he never actually saw Juan Antonio Flecha or Oscar Freire use banned substances. Triple world champion Freire had threatened to sue Rasmussen for his allegations.

In Curaçao, where Weening participated in the Amstel Curaçao Race, the Dutch rider reacted to Rasmussen’s allegations. “Desperate needs lead to desperate deeds,” Weening said. “Rasmussen comes up with different stories every time. He declared something else when he was under oath at the court. It’s obvious he is frustrated because he lost the case against Rabobank.”

Rasmussen received €665,000 in damages when a court found that Rabobank wrongfully sent him home from the 2007 Tour de France while the Dane was in the yellow jersey. Both parties appealed the decision and when Rasmussen eventually lost, he had to re-pay the original sum.

Grischa Niermann, who was also part of the 2007 Rabobank Tour de France team has also reacted to Rasmussen's statement that 100% of the team was on doping. “I don’t know where he gets that from,” the now-retired German rider said on national television. “I can say for myself that I only received vitamins and supplements from the team doctor but no banned substances.”

Niermann was supended for six months at the beginning of this year after he confessed to having used doping in 2003. “Thanks to the people around me I realised in 2003 that banned substances was not the path I wanted to follow. That’s why I stopped and for the past 10 years, I tried to set an example for the young riders at Rabobank as being honest, hardworking and professional,” he said in a statement in January. After his ban ended, he returned to his coaching job at the Rabobank Development Team.

Orica-Greenedge have asked Weening to re-confirm the anti-doping statement he signed prior to joining the Australian team.

Caso Rasmussen, l'autista del bus nascose EPO nelle mutande
Continuano le rivelazioni di Michael Rasmussen sui suoi anni in Rabobank. Nelle pagine del suo libro, il danese rivela infatti che nel 2006 la gendarmeria francese effettuò una perquisizione del bus della squadra, ma non trovò nulla solamente perché l'EPO precedentemente nascosta nel mezzo era stata prontamente spostata...nelle mutande dell'autista, Piet.
Un episodio che confermerebbe come all'interno della squadra tutti sapessero tutto, mantenendo il segreto sino ad oggi.

Se vabbé ed i gendarmi non si sono accorti che c'era qualcosa che non andava nelle mutande del conducente? L'EPO occupa spazio eh...

Questa mi sa di balla bella e buona...
Magari l'autista era un senegalese alto 2.10 quindi l'equipaggiamento era nella norma Sisi

[+] A 1 utente piace il post di Gershwin
Qualche storiella se la deve inventare per vendere il libro.

L'autista della Rabobank con l'Epo nelle mutande è comunque più bravo di quello dell'Orica Sese

[+] A 1 utente piace il post di Hiko
BELKIN. Nessun provvedimento contro il medico e l'autista
I due erano stati accusati da Michael Rasmussen

"La dirigenza della Belkin Pro Cycling ha verificato con fonti esterne la fondatezza delle accuse e ha parlato a lungo con il medico sociale Dion van Bommel e il conducente dell’autobus Piet de Vos, in merito alle dichiarazioni rilasciate da Michael Rasmussen. I due dipendenti in questione hanno collaborato in toto e la società non vede alcuna ragione per continuare la propria indagine interna o per prendere provvedimenti nei loro confronti. La direzione della Belkin Pro Cycling assicura il proprio sostegno a van Bommel e de Vos e considera chiuso il caso».

È questo il testo del comunicato ufficiale emesso dalla Belkin, che pone fine alle polemiche sulle rivelazioni di Rasmussen, che aveva accusato i due di essere coinvolti nell’affare doping della vecchia Rabobank.


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